In this example, we show how we can use coherent configurations to construct an entriely different almost simple permutation group from another one. We first show how \(PSU(4,3)\) can be made out of its subgroup \(PSL(3,4)\).
gap> psl34 := PSL(3,4);; gap> sylow3 := SylowSubgroup(psl34, 3);; gap> normaliser := Normaliser(psl34, sylow3);; gap> G := Image( FactorCosetAction(psl34, normaliser) );;
At this stage, we have constructed the unique permutation representation of degree 280, for \(PSL(3,4)\).
gap> A := HomogeneousCoherentConfigurationByOrbitals(G); 7-class homogeneous coherent configuration of order 280 gap> mat := RelationMatrix(A);; gap> P := MatrixOfEigenvalues(A);; gap> Print(P); [ [ 1, 18, 18, 18, 72, 72, 72, 9 ], [ 1, 4, 4, 4, 16, -12, -12, -5 ], [ 1, -2, -2, 10, -8, 0, 0, 1 ], [ 1, -2, 10, -2, -8, 0, 0, 1 ], [ 1, 10, -2, -2, -8, 0, 0, 1 ], [ 1, -2, -2, -2, 0, -8*E(7)^3-8*E(7)^5-8*E(7)^6, -8*E(7)-8*E(7)^2-8*E(7)^4, -3 ], [ 1, -2, -2, -2, 0, -8*E(7)-8*E(7)^2-8*E(7)^4, -8*E(7)^3-8*E(7)^5-8*E(7)^6, -3 ], [ 1, -2, -2, -2, 7, -3, -3, 4 ] ]
We now take a particular fusion of this coherent configuration to obtain a 2-class association scheme.
gap> valency18 := Filtered([1..7], j -> Number(mat[1], i -> i = j) = 18); [1,2,3] gap> fusions := List(Combinations(valency18,2), t -> > FusionOfHomogeneousCoherentConfiguration(A, [[0], t, > Difference([1..7],t)]) );;
Any of these three fusions will do:
gap> autgroup := AutomorphismGroup( fusions[1] );; gap> DisplayCompositionSeries( autgroup ); G (11 gens, size 26127360) | Z(2) S (4 gens, size 13063680) | Z(2) S (3 gens, size 6531840) | Z(2) S (2 gens, size 3265920) | 2A(3,3) = U(4,3) ~ 2D(3,3) = O-(6,3) 1 (0 gens, size 1) gap> socle := Socle(autgroup);; gap> StructureDescription(socle); "PSU(4,3)"
For this example, we also use the package FinInG [BBDB+18]. We will construct a metric association scheme coming from a dual polar space.
gap> LoadPackage("FinInG", false);; gap> quadric := EllipticQuadric(7, 2); Q-(7, 2) gap> points := AsList( Planes(quadric) );; gap> mat := NullMat(Length(points), Length(points));; gap> for i in [1..Length(points)] do > for j in [i+1..Length(points)] do > intersection := Meet( points{[i,j]} ); gap> mat[i][j] := 2 - ProjectiveDimension( intersection ); gap> mat[j][i] := mat[i][j]; gap> od; gap> od;
So far we have constructed the relation matrix arising from the dual polar space.
gap> a := HomogeneousCoherentConfiguration( mat ); 3-class association scheme of order 765 gap> P := MatrixOfEigenvalues(a);; gap> Q := MatrixOfDualEigenvalues(a);; gap> Display(P); [ [ 1, 28, 224, 512 ], [ 1, 11, 20, -32 ], [ 1, -7, 14, -8 ], [ 1, 1, -10, 8 ] ] gap> Display(Q); [ [ 1, 84, 204, 476 ], [ 1, 33, -51, 17 ], [ 1, 15/2, 51/4, -85/4 ], [ 1, -21/4, -51/16, 119/16 ] ] gap> IsPPolynomial(a); true gap> IsQPolynomial(a); true
A simpler way (perhaps) uses the automorphism group of the ambient polar space:
gap> cgroup := CollineationGroup(quadric); PGO(-1,8,2) gap> G := Action(cgroup, points); <permutation group with 3 generators> gap> a := SchurianAssociationScheme(G); 3-class homogeneous coherent configuration of order 765 gap> IsPPolynomial(a); true
The automorphism group of the association scheme should be the same:
gap> autgroup := AutomorphismGroup(a);; gap> autgroup = G; true
Now (for the purist!) we see if there are interesting subsets. Take a nondegenerate hyperplane section defining a parabolic quadric.
gap> hyperplane := First(Hyperplanes(PG(7,2)), h -> > TypeOfSubspace(quadric, h) = "parabolic"); <a proj. 6-space in ProjectiveSpace(7, 2)> gap> insidehyp := Filtered(points, t -> t * hyperplane);; gap> vector := CharacteristicVector(points, insidehyp);; gap> dist := InnerDistribution(a, vector); [ 1, 56, 64, 14 ] gap> macw := MacWilliamsTransform(a, dist); [ 135, 630, 0, 0 ]
Therefore, a hyperplane section gives rise to a design that is not a code, in this association scheme. Now we produce the dual polar graph.
gap> P := MatrixOfEigenvalues(a);; gap> Display(P); [ [ 1, 224, 512, 28 ], [ 1, 20, -32, 11 ], [ 1, 14, -8, -7 ], [ 1, -10, 8, 1 ] ] gap> position := Position(P[1], 28); 4 gap> M := AdjacencyMatrices(a)[ position ];; gap> graph := Graph(G, [1..Order(a)], OnPoints, {x,y} -> M[x][y] = 1);; gap> IsDistanceRegular(graph); true gap> GlobalParameters(graph); [ [ 0, 0, 28 ], [ 1, 3, 24 ], [ 3, 9, 16 ], [ 7, 21, 0 ] ]
For this example, we use the package Guava[BBC+18] for its facility with block codes. We will see that the inner distribution vector of a subset coincides with the weight enumerator of a code when the association scheme is a Hamming scheme.
gap> hammingscheme := HammingScheme(7,2); 7-class homogeneous coherent configuration of order 128 gap> LoadPackage("Guava", false);; gap> hammingcode := HammingCode(3, GF(2)); a linear [7,4,3]1 Hamming (3,2) code over GF(2)
We now use an operation from Guava:
gap> InnerDistribution(hammingcode); [ 1, 0, 0, 7, 7, 0, 0, 1 ]
From the association scheme perspective ...
gap> codewords := List( hammingcode, VectorCodeword );; gap> vector := CharacteristicVector( AsList(GF(2)^7), codewords );; gap> Collected(vector); [ [ 0, 112 ], [ 1, 16 ] ] gap> inndist := InnerDistribution( hammingscheme, vector); [ 1, 0, 0, 7, 7, 0, 0, 1 ]
The MacWilliams transform coincides with the distribution vector of the dual code:
gap> 1/16 * MacWilliamsTransform( hammingscheme, inndist); [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0 ] gap> dualcode := DualCode( hammingcode ); a linear [7,3,4]2..3 dual code gap> InnerDistribution( dualcode ); [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0 ]
In this package, we also have a library of all small homogeneous coherent configurations, of order at most 38 (except 31, ,35, 36, 37), corresponding to [HM].
gap> for i in [5..20] do > Print(i," ",NumberOfHomogeneousCoherentConfigurations(i),"\n"); gap> od; 5 2 6 6 7 3 8 16 9 10 10 11 11 3 12 54 13 5 14 14 15 24 16 208 17 4 18 90 19 6 20 90 gap> order7 := List([1..3], i -> HomogeneousCoherentConfiguration(7, i)); 1-class homogeneous coherent configuration of order 7, 2-class homogeneous coherent configuration of order 7, 3-class homogeneous coherent configuration of order 7 ]
The first of these is trivial, so we look at the other two. The first arises from the Paley graph of order 7.
gap> a1 := order7[2]; 2-class homogeneous coherent configuration of order 7 gap> autgroup := AutomorphismGroup(a1); Group([ (2,3,4)(5,7,6), (1,2,3,5,4,6,7) ]) gap> StructureDescription(autgroup); "C7 : C3"
The last one is a 3-class association scheme:
gap> a2 := order7[3]; 3-class homogeneous coherent configuration of order 7 gap> IsAssociationScheme(a2); true gap> IsPPolynomial( a2 ); true gap> IsPrimitive(a2); rue gap> Valencies(a2); [ 1, 2, 2, 2 ] gap> autgroup := AutomorphismGroup(a2); Group([ (2,3)(4,5)(6,7), (1,2)(3,4)(5,6) ]) gap> StructureDescription(autgroup); "D14" gap> P := MatrixOfEigenvalues(a2);; gap> Display(P); [ [ 1, 2, 2, 2 ], [ 1, E(7)^3+E(7)^4, E(7)+E(7)^6, E(7)^2+E(7)^5 ], [ 1, E(7)^2+E(7)^5, E(7)^3+E(7)^4, E(7)+E(7)^6 ], [ 1, E(7)+E(7)^6, E(7)^2+E(7)^5, E(7)^3+E(7)^4 ] ] gap> AllPPolynomialOrderings(a2); [ [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], [ 0, 2, 3, 1 ], [ 0, 3, 1, 2 ] ] gap> AdmitsQPolynomialOrdering(a2); true gap> AllQPolynomialOrderings(a2); [ [ 0, 1, 3, 2 ], [ 0, 2, 1, 3 ], [ 0, 3, 2, 1 ] ]
We redo an example that appears in Section 3.6 of Peter Cameron's "Permutation Groups" book [Cam99] and construct the Higman-Sims group.
First we construct the Hoffman-Singleton graph from the alternating group of degree 7.
gap> A7 := AlternatingGroup(7);; gap> Pi := [ [ 1, 2, 4 ], [ 1, 3, 7 ], [ 1, 5, 6 ], > [ 2, 3, 5 ], [ 2, 6, 7 ], [ 3, 4, 6 ], [ 4, 5, 7 ] ];; gap> OnSetsRecursive := function(x,g) > if not IsSet(x) then > return x^g; gap> else > return Set(x,y->OnSetsRecursive(y,g)); gap> fi; gap> end;; gap> triples := Combinations([1..7], 3);; gap> allFanos := Orbit(A7, Pi, OnSetsSets);; gap> fifty := Concatenation(triples, allFanos);; gap> A7action := Action(A7, fifty, OnSetsRecursive); <permutation group with 2 generators> gap> orbitals := Orbits(A7action, Combinations([1..50],2), OnSets);; gap> List(orbitals, Size); [ 210, 315, 70, 420, 105, 105 ]
We will now make a homogeneous coherent configuration from scratch, from these orbitals.
gap> mat := NullMat(50,50);; gap> for i in [1..50] do > for j in [i+1..50] do > pos := First([1..Length(orbitals)], k -> [i,j] in orbitals[k]); gap> mat[i][j] := pos; gap> mat[j][i] := pos; gap> od; gap> od;
This is not a CC yet. We will fuse the relations of valency 3 and 4:
gap> l := Collected(mat[1]); [ [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 12 ], [ 2, 18 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 4, 12 ], [ 5, 3 ] ] gap> to_fuse := Filtered([1..Length(l)], t -> l[t][2] in [3,4])-1; [ 3, 5 ] gap> to_fuse2 := Difference([1..6],to_fuse); [ 1, 2, 4, 6 ] gap> poly := InterpolatedPolynomial(Rationals, Concatenation([0], to_fuse, > to_fuse2), [0,1,1,2,2,2,2] );; gap> newmat := List(mat, row -> List(row, x -> Value(poly,x)));; gap> Collected(newmat[1]); [ [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 7 ], [ 2, 42 ] ]
This now leads us directly to the Hoffman-Singleton graph:
gap> cc := HomogeneousCoherentConfiguration( newmat ); 2-class association scheme of order 50 gap> autHoffSing := AutomorphismGroup( cc ); <permutation group with 7 generators> gap> StructureDescription( autHoffSing ); "PSU(3,5) : C2"
We will now construct the Mesner-Higman-Sims graph
gap> vals := Valencies(cc); [ 1, 7, 42 ] gap> adjmat := AdjacencyMatrices(cc)[ Position(vals, 42) ];; gap> graph := Graph(autHoffSing, [1..50], OnPoints, {x,y} -> adjmat[x][y]=1);; gap> one_coclique := CompleteSubgraphsOfGivenSize(graph, 15)[1];; gap> all_cocliques := Orbit(autHoffSing, > Set(VertexNames(graph){one_coclique}), OnSets);; gap> Size(all_cocliques); 100 gap> G := Action(autHoffSing, all_cocliques, OnSets);; gap> a := SchurianAssociationScheme(G); 4-class homogeneous coherent configuration of order 100
Now fuse the relations with valencies 7 and 15 (and the complement)
gap> vals := Valencies(a); [ 1, 35, 42, 15, 7 ] gap> to_fuse := Filtered([1..Length(vals)], t -> vals[t] in [7,15])-1;; gap> to_fuse2 := Difference([1..4], to_fuse);; gap> fusion := FusionOfHomogeneousCoherentConfiguration(a, [[0], to_fuse, > to_fuse2]); 2-class association scheme of order 100 gap> autgroup2 := AutomorphismGroup(fusion); <permutation group with 10 generators> gap> StructureDescription(autgroup2); "HS : C2"
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