A GAP interface to Gurobi Optimizer.
Version 2.0.0
This project is maintained by Jesse Lansdown
Jesse Lansdown (jesse.lansdown@uwa.edu.au) View the manual for Gurobify here.
Gurobify provides a GAP interface to Gurobi.
Gurobify has the following dependencies:
Autotools may be installed on MacOSX using homebrew with the commands brew install autoconf and brew install automake. Gurobi is proprietary software, however it has free academic licences. Please refer to the Gurobi documentation for more information on its licences.
If you want to regenerate the documentation for any reason, then the following will also be required.
To install Gurobify:
Run the following commands.
./install.sh -g <gurobi path> [-r <gap path>]
If you wish to regenerate the documentation do
gap.sh makedoc.g
To load Gurobify in GAP:
LoadPackage( "Gurobify" );